Wondering which dumbbell weight to use for your workout ? 

Choosing which dumbbell to use is based on the number of repetitions and sets you are doing. The rule of thumb is to use a weight that you can only complete the number of repetitions mentioned. In other words, you want the last 2 repetitions to feel a bit hard but you should still be able to complete it with good form. 

Start off with the lowest weight you have and see how you feel at the end of the desired repetitions. 

For example if you are doing 12 reps, you should should be able to keep the correct form right up until your last rep (but not much longer).

Usually at the beginner level 

Use 2 or 2.5 kg for Arm based movements like bicep curls, hammer curls, tricep extensions etc

Use 5 kgs + for exercises where you will be holding one dumbbell with both hands like in a goblet squat