Spinach Palak Raita

250 gms curd
12-15 whole spinach leaves with stem
Salt to taste
Red chillies to taste
Pinch of black salt
1/2 tsp powdered jeera powder
1/4 tsp chat masala (optional)
1/2 tsp sugar or replacement (optional)
Method :
- Put the spinach in a pan ( patheela ) and cover and cook on low flame.
- The spinach will release it's own water. you just need it to become soft.
- While it is still bright green
- Remove from heat and add to some cold water and let it cool down
- Once it is cool cut into thin strips and keep aside
- Whip the curd like you would a cake to get a smooth consistency. add in the masala and continue to whip till the masalas are completely mixed in.
- Add in the chopped spinach and mix in well. Serve cold.
Note : To Blanch
Put whole spinach leaves in a pan ,put on low flame and cover ,after few minutes will be done ,can put bottom leaves on top & vice versa for few seconds.
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